About Us
Entrapro is a privately owned company, founded by two microbiologists, John and Lyn Ellerman.
John and Lyn both graduated BSc (Microbiology and Biochemistry) from The University of Sydney.
Lyn worked as a Microbiologist at Crown Street Women’s Hospital and at Astra Pharmaceuticals. John worked in the Division of Dairying (NSW Department of Agriculture), Dairy Farmers Cooperative Ltd and for DSM, in the manufacture of cultures for dairy products and other foods.
In 2004 they set up Entrapro Pty Ltd to bring together their expertise from the medical and food areas by designing and manufacturing advanced synbiotic products.
The Entralive product range available on this website is the result of a continual programme of improvements guided by customer feedback, and scientific development to improve the product’s effectiveness.
Learn more about improving digestive health with beneficial bacteria.
Choose and buy our range of advanced, max strength probiotic products.
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John Ellerman, Preeminent Microbiologist

John Ellerman is a Microbiology and Biochemistry graduate of the University of Sydney and a Member of the Australian Society for Microbiology.
He worked as a dairy research microbiologist for the NSW Dept. of Agriculture and as the microbiologist for Dairy Farmers Cooperative Ltd, before joining what became part of DSM, to conduct research into the fermentation of dairy cultures, including probiotics.
During the 1990’s he served on the Advisory Board of the Food Science faculty at the University of Western Sydney and on the Management Committee of the Cooperative Research Centre for Food Innovation at UNSW which included scientists from DSM (led by John), Goodman Fielder, UNSW and CSIRO.
This work led to the development of the LAFTI range of probiotic cultures and to the elucidation of the synergist interaction between these cultures and several fibre ingredients which were shown to boost the numbers of probiotic culture cells during their journey down the intestine, to levels that are unattainable by any other product. Via this technology the initial dose of 30 billion cells of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium lactis are boosted to the equivalent of taking more than a trillion cells, thereby delivering unprecedented efficacy.
In 2004 John established Entrapro Pty Ltd in order to develop this breakthrough technology and this has culminated in the advanced synbiotic known as Entralive.
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