“Entralive Maximal®” and “Entralive Maximal®PLUS”

Super-Synbiotic Powders that are “Better by Billions”

  • Better Research
  • Better Probiotic Strains
  • Better Viable Cell Counts
  • Better Survival Through the Stomach Acid
  • Better Prebiotics to Boost Viable Cell Counts (Equivalent to More than a Trillion per Serving)
  • Better Value

The Research

The special probiotic strains and the world-leading super-synbiotic concept were developed in conjunction with the government-funded Cooperative Research Centre for Food Industry Innovation which included researchers from The University of NSW, CSIRO and industry. The superiority of the cultures was also confirmed by research carried out by the NSW Department of Primary Industry.

Effect of probiotics chart

This chart demonstrates the effect of a range of so-called "probiotic" cultures on the growth of a bad E. coli.  The cultures are ordered from best to worst.  The best strains, which we use in Entralive, are among the very best at suppressing the growth rate of the E. coli.  However, about a third of the cultures tested stimulated the bad bacterium!  One cannot tell by looking at the genus and species name whether it is a good strain or not, since there are several Lactobacillus acidophilus strains in the test and all behaved differently.  We use only the best strains in Entralive Maximal.

The Cell Count

The total viable cell count for the Entralive Maximal® is 30 billion per 5g serving, consisting of 15 billion Lactobacillus helveticus LAFTI® strain L10 (originally named L. acidophilus LAFTI® strain L10) and 15 billion Bifidobacterium lactis LAFTI® strain B94 (or strain BLC1).

The total viable cell count for the Entralive Maximal® PLUS is 50 billion per 5g serving, consisting of the above plus 15 billion Lactobacillus rhamnosus strain R0011 and 5 billion Saccharomyces boulardii.

Improved Survivability

Capsule products dissolve in stomach acid and the freeze-dried culture cells have to suck in this concentrated hydrochloric acid in order to rehydrate and come back to life.  With a powder, the cells rehydrate and come back to life in water and do not need to suck in damaging acid.  This results in a much higher survival rate through to the intestines.

A Combination of Prebiotic, Fibre Boosters

Inulin rapidly boosts the Bifidobacteria, particularly in the ascending colon.  These already increased cell numbers are then further boosted by the arabinogalactan (FiberAid®) as they travel through the remainder of the colon. In a pig experiment carried out by CSIRO scientists using similar combinations the boost effect was close to 50-fold.  The lactobacilli are cross fed by the Bifidobacteria as well as being boosted by the trehalose. There is not enough room in a capsule to fit effective amounts of prebiotics.

Better Value

Although the boost effect will vary from person to person, it is estimated that a 5g serving of Entralive Maximal® is probably equivalent to taking many dozens of capsules of the best alternative product at once.

Entralive Probiotic Cultures

Bacteria in tumors


What is already known on this topic
Bacteria are well-known residents of tumors in the intestine and other body tissues that are exposed to microbes. But little is known about whether bacteria are present in other type of cancers.

What this research adds
Researchers created a catalog of the bacteria present in 1,526 human tumors representing seven different tumor types. They found that all cancer types harbored bacteria, albeit to differing extents, and that different cancer types had different bacterial species.

The findings could point to ways of manipulating the tumor-associated bacteria to enhance the actions of anticancer treatment.

Researchers have created a catalog of the bacteria present in more than 1,500 human tumors representing seven different tumor types. They found bacteria associated with all the cancer types — from brain to bone to breast cancer — and identified unique populations of bacteria residing in each type of cancer.

The findings, published in Science, could point to ways of manipulating the tumor-associated bacteria to enhance the actions of anticancer drugs.

Previous studies have revealed that bacteria are routinely present in tumors in the intestine and other body tissues that are exposed to microbes. But little is known about whether bacteria are present in other types of cancers such as those of the bone, brain, and ovary.

Ravid Straussman at the Weizmann Institute of Science and his colleagues looked for bacteria in 1,526 tumor samples collected from people with cancers of the bone, brain, ovary, breast, skin, pancreas, or lung at nine medical centers in four countries.

Tumor bacteria

The researchers set out to characterize tumor-residing bacteria, and found that all cancer types harbored bacteria, albeit to differing extents. More than 60% of breast, pancreatic, and bone tumors tested positive for bacterial DNA, compared with only 14% of melanomas.

In total, 528 species of bacteria were detected in the tumor samples. Different cancer types harbor different bacteria species, with breast cancer harboring the highest number and diversity of bacteria. Compared to normal breast tissue, the researchers found many more bacteria in breast tumors. What’s more, bacteria such as Fusobacterium nucleatum were preferentially found in the breast tumor tissue rather than in the normal tissue surrounding it.

Intracellular microbes

The team found that tumor-associated bacteria live inside both cancer cells and immune cells that reside within tumors. But why bacteria are present in tumors and whether they contribute to tumor growth is unclear. “Some of these bacteria could be enhancing the anticancer immune response, while others could be suppressing it—a finding that may be especially relevant to understanding the effectiveness of certain immunotherapies,” Straussman says.

To investigate the functional activities of tumor microbes, the researchers analyzed some of the bacteria’s genes. Bacteria from smokers’ lung cancer cells had more genes for metabolizing nicotine and other chemicals found in cigarette smoke compared to lung cancer cells from people who never smoked. In melanoma samples, the team found that melanoma tumors that responded to anticancer treatment were different from those found in melanoma tumors that had a poor response.

The catalog could be used to identify signature microbiomes within cancer types and better understand the roles that each of these bacteria play. “Tumors are complex ecosystems that are known to contain, in addition to cancer cells, immune cells, stromal cells, blood vessels, nerves, and many more components, all part of what we refer to as the tumor microenvironment. Our studies, as well as studies by other labs, clearly demonstrate that bacteria are also an integral part of the tumor microenvironment.” Straussman says. “We hope that by finding out how exactly they fit into the general tumor ecology, we can figure out novel ways of treating cancer.”

Colon Cancer linked to Gut Bacteria



New mechanism underlying colorectal cancer reveals a crucial role for intestinal microbes

by VIB (the Flanders Institute for Biotechnology)

Cancer — Histopathologic image of colonic carcinoid. Credit: Wikipedia/CC BY-SA 3.0

A collaborative study by research groups from the VIB-UGent Center for Inflammation Research and Ghent University uncovered a new mechanism causing colorectal cancer. The researchers found that abnormal expression of the protein Zeb2 affects the integrity of the intestinal wall or 'epithelium.' This epithelium normally functions as a barrier to prevent infiltration by intestinal microbes. Zeb2 undermines this barrier and allows infiltrating bacteria to cause inflammation that drives cancer progression. Importantly, the scientists demonstrated that manipulating the immune system or removing the microbiota can prevent the development of cancer. These findings may lead to new treatments and are published in the leading journal Nature Cancer.

Colon cancer

Colorectal cancer is the third most common and fourth most deadly type of cancer. Unfortunately, anti-cancer therapies, including immunotherapy, have a relatively low effectiveness in colorectal cancer. In addition to genetic factors, environmental factors linked to a Western lifestyle (such as diet, obesity, and a sedentary lifestyle) also increase the risk for developing colorectal cancer.

The disease originates from the epithelial cells that line the intestines. These 'barrier' cells accumulate mutations and acquire malignant properties over time. A better understanding of the molecular mechanisms responsible for colorectal cancer development is essential to develop new therapies to effectively combat this deadly disease.

A new mechanism driving colon cancer

A collaboration between the research groups of prof. Geert van Loo, prof. Lars Vereecke, and prof. Geert Berx identified the protein Zeb2 as a possible cause of colorectal cancer. They showed that the abnormal expression of this protein in the epithelial cells of the gut in mice can induce colorectal cancer.

Zeb2 destabilizes the integrity of the intestinal barrier which allows bacteria to infiltrate the tissue and provoke inflammatory reactions. This causes an abnormal proliferation of epithelial cells which ultimately leads to the development of malignant intestinal tumors. Importantly, by treating mice with broad-spectrum antibiotics to kill intestinal bacteria, or by raising mice in complete sterile conditions, cancer development could be completely prevented.

Prof. Geert Berx (CRIG/UGent) states, "We study the molecular mechanisms that regulate tissue invasion and metastasis in various types of cancer. We knew Zeb2 regulates a molecular process which allows cancer cells to acquire tissue-invasive properties, resulting in malignant disease progression. By using transgenic mice expressing Zeb2, we can study this process in multiple tissues, including the intestine. This study demonstrates that Zeb2 reprograms the epithelial cells of the intestinal wall, which allows bacteria to pass and cause inflammation that can lead to tumor development."

Prof. Lars Vereecke (VIB-UGent Center for Inflammation Research/CRIG) says, "There is increasing evidence that the microbes in our gut play a central role in human health and disease. Many diseases are associated with distinct shifts in the microbiota-composition, including colorectal cancer. Proving that the microbiota contribute to disease requires functional studies in mice. Recently, we established the first Belgian germ-free mouse facility at Ghent University where we raise mice in completely sterile conditions. Using this new technology, we could prove that removing the intestinal microbes prevents colorectal cancer development in our model. Moreover, by modulating the activity of specific immune cells we could also suppress cancer development. Together, these findings demonstrate that complex immune-microbiota interactions contribute strongly to colorectal cancer development."

New therapies

The new Zeb2 mouse colorectal cancer model represents a unique tool to study tumor-immune-microbe interactions, which is very useful in the search for new therapies targeting colorectal cancer. Since cancer development in these mice is microbiota-dependent, germ-free Zeb2 mice represent a unique preclinical platform for microbiota research to identify cancer-promoting microbes, but also to test new microbiota-based therapies to prevent or treat colorectal cancer.

Prof. Geert van Loo (VIB-UGent Center for Inflammation Research/CRIG) concludes, "We identified a disease-causing mechanism using a new mouse model but also confirmed abnormal Zeb2 expression in human colorectal tumor cells, which proves the clinical significance of our model for human patients. Our results are important from a scientific point of view since they help us understand why and how colorectal cancer develops. But this knowledge also has therapeutic implications and suggests that altering the microbiota or targeting specific immune components may be effective strategies for developing new treatment options for colon cancer.."